I've been playing with ranking things in charts recently, rather than charting their actual values. There are some clear benefits to ranking things:

- sharp focus on the order

- clear sense of best / worst

- simple to grasp for non-technical users

- we avoid having to squint to see small differences on a chart

... But there are some big problems, also:

- no sense of real-world distance between points

- no sense of whether anything on the chart actually scored 'well'

So for example the music charts are simple to grasp. And the concepts of 'number one' and 'top ten' are often discussed, we have no sense of whether number ten sold anything like as many as number ten. And whether number one sold a lot or a little.

Who knew there were so many ways to draw an org chart? And that they could express so much about how relationships work in a company? I love it!

From http://www.bonkersworld.net/images/2011.06.27_organizational_charts.png
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