Not the best case study in the world, but a fun one:

I was bored at work seven years ago today. I can tell that because I was just looking through old emails and seven years ago today I was emailing Seb with an 'audit of recent text messages'.


Since someone leaked the British National Party's membership list to the internet, I thought I'd take a look.

Here are some common first names:

And some common last names:

No surprises there then!

I couldn't find a Singh or Patel. Odd.


I'm currently working on advertising strategy and someone just forwarded me a document arguing that when a major brand 'goes dark' on advertising for a long period, it significantly damages the brand.


I saw another article today on how supermarkets waste too much fresh food. I thought I'd post a quick chart showing an easy way to reduce waste: buy more stuff!

Slow selling products lead to waste. They always will.

I was playing around with a really cool and easy to use analysis tool for Excel, Analyse It. And I thought I'd show how easy it is by running an old data set through it. So here is some quick analysis of an old political campaign I worked on. Seriously, this took about 30 minutes total.

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