I saw another article today on how supermarkets waste too much fresh food. I thought I'd post a quick chart showing an easy way to reduce waste: buy more stuff!
Slow selling products lead to waste. They always will. So look for products that don't sell very well and buy more of them!
The following chart shows what waste might be expected for fresh food, at different sales rates. Slow selling fresh food (2 singles per week in the chart) might be expected to usually waste more than 150% of what you sell. So for every two you sell, you waste more than three! (And some products waste way more than this, if they are very short life, or if they must be ordered in large cases from suppliers for example.)
You'll see that this decreases massively as sales increase slightly. Go from sales of two to four singles per week and your expected waste falls below 100% of sales. Increase the weekly sales to eight and you're back at a reasonable level: expected waste of about 20% of sales.

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