Knowing where you were
I'm loving my iPhone. Today I'm loving it mainly because it adds another dimension to the data that I can gather: where things take place. For example, I use InstaMapper to track where I am in the world. Here is my journey home from work: And here is a *live* map of the most recent time I ran the program: <br>
Another great feature of the GPS is that it automatically geocodes photos. For example, I took regular photos here to track a recent trip to LA. Here a section from the drive to Heathrow through London: [I can't seem to embed the actual map, which allows you to click on a dot to see the photo.
Another great feature of the GPS is that it automatically geocodes photos. For example, I took regular photos here to track a recent trip to LA. Here a section from the drive to Heathrow through London: [I can't seem to embed the actual map, which allows you to click on a dot to see the photo.