I just got married ... thanks Google!!!
Thanks to the the fact that Blogger allows you to write a post and have it posted at some future date and time, this should magically appear on the interweb just as I walk down the aisle with my beautiful fiancee.
43Hidden in words
Quick post to show off a cool web application I found the other day, Wordle. You feed it text and it gives you a beautiful word cloud, helping you to see common words.
I tried it with an export of the last 999 status updates my friends had posted on Facebook.
Moving information around the web
One thing that's great about the electronic world is that you can have all sorts of information sources linked together. As soon as you update the master, the other places automatically get the update.
1The importance of a good quality notebook
I was excited to get a new notebook yesterday. The brand new Moleskine Volant Pocket in fact. Easy to slip in your pocket, but really well built and with fantastic paper quality. I in fact spent much of the evening in the pub writing down thoughts and ideas to celebrate finding it.