For no reason other that 'because I could' I decided to try to get my Facebook status synchronised with my Twitter account and my Google Chat status. Why have three different status messages (at least two of which must therefore be 'out of date') when you can have just one?
Through a lot of Googling Here's what I came up with:
This blog isn't about tech stuff, so I won't go in to how to do it here (except to say this pipe and this blog will give you what you need).
While I was doing this, it gave me another idea for a way to use similar technology. I used FindMe (from the guys at Electric Pocket) on my BlackBerry, which made it recognise when I'm in certain locations and posts them to my Facebook profile. I thought this was kinda fun. 'David is at work', 'David is at home', that kind of thing.
I thought it would be fun to have that information automatically store in my calendar. That way I could look back and see what time I got in to work, what time I got home, etc. Here's what I came up with, using the excellent similar LocaTags BlackBerry application and a Yahoo! Pipe:It got me interested because its free information. To get it I don't need to keep a diary. I don't need to keep timesheets in the office. I don't need to do anything other than one off effort of setting up this arrangement (which was fun!).
And one of my mottos is that when there is free data you can gather, never turn it down. You just don't know when it might be useful ...
Using the same basic principles, I have now wired up my Friends' Facebook feed to both a CSV export (last 1,000) and to Google Calendars!