1. I was excited to get a new notebook yesterday. The brand new Moleskine Volant Pocket in fact. Easy to slip in your pocket, but really well built and with fantastic paper quality. I in fact spent much of the evening in the pub writing down thoughts and ideas to celebrate finding it.
    Then today I was wondering what it was that I loved about it? Then a chart came in to my head:

    I can group all my previous notebooks in to three types.

    Bad quality notebooks don't work for me. I tried the cheap spiral ones, but I scrawl anything and everything down. I end up with a mess that is ugly to read and contains things so mundane that even I would never really want to look back at it anyway. Junk!

    I have also tried great quality books: old-skool hard-cover Moleskins or books from Smythson. But I feel like I can't write something in there unless it is uber-important. Only the highest quality thoughts. Since I don't sit arouond coming up with little gems of wisdom to capture in my notebook, they so rarely get used that they aren't that helpful.

    And that's exactly why I love my new book. Not flash, not cheap, and I feel its going to contain just the right mix of good quality and good quantity of notes :)

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