Charts and graphs and diagrams are not just for boring old worklife. Check out this series of valentines day inspired charts: Why you should continue to date me; a series of charts and graphs. by Joel A. Friesen.

I personally think that if that doesn't convince you of the power of love and the power of the clear presentation of information, nothing will. However if you're still not in a valentines day mood, see how love conquers hate at google trends.

Thanks to information aesthetics for those links.

What did I do for valentines day? I wish I'd thought of charts and diagrams! Instead I went for a mosaic.

I had occasion to build some bubble charts the other day, which made me realise what an under-used resource they are. I almost never see them used! So here's a post to show how useful they can be. Here is just one use, of course.

The data I had was seven 'models' that were built across two states.

I have been looking at Internet usage by country and in the spirit of sharing, here is what I found. Based on number of Internet users in 2005 (the last year of 'actual' in the data that I had), East Asia and Europe are the biggest two regions, while the US is the biggest single country.

This treemap lets you explore the data yourself, and answer your own questions about it. I do like this kind of data visualization tool. Do let me know in the comments if you know of other similar tools.
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