This treemap lets you explore the data yourself, and answer your own questions about it. I do like this kind of data visualization tool. Do let me know in the comments if you know of other similar tools.

Here is a world map that Many Eyes lets you produce. I find this particularly helpful in flipping from 2001 to 2005 and to 2008 and watching the changing patterns. It really gives you a feel for the data in a way that a PowerPoint chart or a table of data doesn't.

And here are a couple of PowerPoint slides that present it in a more traditional (and less interactive) way. This shows that although the US is the biggest Internet user right now, its growth is slowing to a forecast 3% per annum while China is speeding ahead with a forecast growth rate of 23% per annum (albeit having slowed from its 40% per annum growth between 2000 and 2005). India and Japan are already third and fourth, and forecast to stay there through to 2008, although India is forecast to grow very significantly as you might imagine (Japan is not).
The same data presented at a regional level highlights that North America is only the third biggest Internet user in the world, behind East Asia and Europe (but the economy and the common language clearly makes it a priority for commercial activity). Its interesting to see that South / South East Asia is forecast to continue its strong growth and motor in to a very significant position ahead of Europe by 2008.
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