I just had chance to play with a fantastic data visualization tool from IBM: Many Eyes.

I was going to only post on projects I've worked on, but I saw this today and HAD to post about it.

Its great to have a team of people to do analysis for you.


I've been keeping my eye open for a good example of a PowerPoint slide that needed some love, and in a meeting today, I finally found one. I definitely don't pretend to be an expert on how to make this chart in to the perfect slide, but here are some things I would do to help it on its way.

This post is less of an example of good practice, and more of an illustration of how technology is currently hampering best practice in one important area.

Politics is all about people, but its also about geographic neighbourhoods and communities.

I find a table of numbers the most inaccessible thing in the world. It just doesn't tell you anything without you having to read the table. You must literally read the numbers and remember the relative positions of big ones and small ones to make sense of it.



I have always hated pie charts. I hated them even before L.E.K. trained me to use a stacked bar chart instead. This was a step forward, but wasn't ever quite right. Thanks to the guys at Juice Analytics, I've now (perhaps temporarily) fallen in love with the square pie chart.

I watched Hans Rosling's inspiring presentation at TED and HAD to apply at least some of what he did to some data I was playing with that day. I was looking at patterns of voter registration data in Presidential years in New Hampshire.

I was in a bar making a list of friends I'd lost touch with and, inspired by Garofalo's Genealogy of Pop/Rock Music chart, I started sketching a chart of my friends over time.

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