- They ask for some analysis
- I do the analysis and pass it to them
- Upon seeing it, they decide they want something a little different
- Go to 1
My earlier post on mapping started to make this point. A GIS map in PowerPoint is a great output from analysis, but a Google Map where the user can add and remove layers and easily alter the data that is shown does all that and MUCH, MUCH more.
I just came across another example to do with charts.
A question that any number of people have been asking around election time for as long as I can remember is 'who votes when?'. What type of person votes early / late / on their lunch break? People have all sorts of theories, that I've always found to be not based on data. So I got some data to answer the question. Here's a chart I did showing Democratic votes, Republican votes and Independent votes by time of day in a recent election.
Here is the turnout by party the voter is registered with.
Here is the turnout by age:
Much more interesting now. Big differences by age of voter.
I did a few of these and PowerPointed them up and sent them around. But I knew what would happen. People would want something else. What about party registration and age combined? What about urban and rural differences by age? What about income and party registration crossed?
So I squashed down the several million record database in to a table that would fit in to Excel's 65,536 record limit (while preserving the key data that the user cared about) and stuck on a pivot table and a pivot table chart that allowed the user to change the chart and answer all of the questions above by simply pointing and clicking. This allowed the user to interrogate the several mission records with no database skills required.
I'd love to hear about other examples or tools that can do this. That can provide output-ready analysis for non-technical users, but that at the same time give power to the user to alter and tweak the analysis. Examples that give Power to the people!
One example of one of the tables that I created, that fit nicely in to excel was:
SELECT Count(VoterID) AS NumberOfVoters, Time, Gender, Income, Party, AgeGroup, Race ...
GROUP BY Time, Gender, Income, Party, AgeGroup, Race ...
This data looks really interesting! Is it publically available? (PS. I couldn't find your email address on the site, is that deliberate?)